Join 350+ therapists & coaches

A flexible Stories membership grants you access to private rooms for client sessions and connects you with the largest community of independent coaches and therapists in The Netherlands.

in Amsterdam & Haarlem
★★★★★ - 4,92 (52 reviews)

What we offer

practice rooms for therapists and coaches
co-working areas, serene workspaces amsterdam haarlem utrecht

Book practice rooms

Private and serene practice rooms designed for effective sessions. By daypart or hour.

Co-working areas

Connect and collaborate with like-minded professionals in our Stories Club.

flexible memberships for therapists and coaches at Stories

Flexible memberships

Choose a plan and duration that suits your needs and schedule.

community events for therapists and coaches

Events & Collaboration

Participate in enriching events and network with peers.

Discover how our members talk about us.

As part of our Authentic Stories video series, we’ve asked our members to describe Stories and what they mean for them and their private practice. Sometimes, it’s just better to hear it from your peers.

Our Locations












Coming soon

Upgrade your business.

Ready to make a lasting impression on your clients?

⁠Shared office space membership for therapists Amsterdam

Looking for a unique space to bring your creative projects to life? Our beautifully designed rooms are available for rent, perfect for photo or video shoots, training sessions, and more. Each space is full of charm, creating the perfect atmosphere to inspire and enhance your work.

Book your next photo, video, or training session at Stories.

portrait photography and videography location for rent
Waiting area practice room wagenweg haarlem for rent