Freke van Nimwegen: Shifting from a corporate background to a fulfilling career.

Freke's journey is one of transformation, marked by significant shifts from a corporate background to a fulfilling career focused on consciousness development and personal growth. With her company, 'Tools to Thrive,' she offers a variety of therapeutic tools and practices aimed at helping people reconnect with their essence and move forward with intention and clarity.

Can you introduce yourself and tell us what you do?

I'm Freke, and I guide impact-driven individuals to live more from their hearts. I facilitate the process of consciousness development. My company is called 'Tools to Thrive,' and the tools I use are all aimed at moving back to your essence so that you can act from there. Often, we unconsciously move from old wounds, and it's very valuable to see and feel that undercurrent so that we no longer have to act on it.

The tools I use most frequently are:

  • Breathwork and body-oriented work: This includes work with the psoas muscle and pressure points.

  • Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

I live in Haarlem with my husband and two daughters (ages 3 and 6), but I grew up in a small village in Friesland. After some travels abroad and living in Groningen and Amsterdam, I found my home here. It's wonderful to be so close to the beach and dunes.

How did you get to where you are now? What studies, life lessons, or mistakes preceded this?

Do you have a moment? I have a very different background from what I do now. I never knew what I wanted. I chose to study business administration purely based on logic because I was good at economics and mathematics. The only reason I was able to get my bachelor's and master's degrees was that I kept motivating myself with beautiful trips. A six-month exchange in Hong Kong and a research trip to Brazil were the highlights of my studies.

Afterward, I did a management traineeship at Ahold Delhaize in the sustainability department. It was a very valuable experience, and I learned a lot, but I wanted to make more impact, especially in climate and sustainability, and have more freedom than in corporate life.

While I was realizing this, an opportunity came up to participate in an innovation contest, the Best Idea of Young Ahold. A few colleagues and I won the contest, and that was the beginning of Instock, with which we put food waste on the map. For seven years, it was a great entrepreneurial adventure. We were featured in all the newspapers, spoke on international stages, and welcomed tens of thousands of people. And most importantly, we saved a lot of food from being wasted.

But at a certain point, I felt that I was no longer energized by it. In the meantime, I had become a mother, my own mother became ill, and I was forced to look at myself. I was doing full-time work that no longer energized me while I mainly wanted to be a good mother and daughter. It took a while before I realized that I needed to do things radically differently.

During that period, I encountered myself. It was an invitation to listen to my heart and pursue my real passion. I am especially very grateful for this period of transition. I was always involved in exploring consciousness and personal growth. While doing that, I took various courses and broadened my offerings. I enjoy the variety. Online programs are very fun because you can reach a large group, but one-on-one sessions are so special and deep. And group ceremonies are also magical, every time.

"Walking the bridge while building it."

Were you afraid to start your own business? How did you make the decision?

I had already had a company (Instock) with a team of 100 people. Together with two partners, I was responsible for a challenging operation of three restaurants, a product line, and a wholesale business. Instock is a social enterprise that puts food waste on the map, working only with products that would otherwise be wasted. It was a beautiful entrepreneurial adventure, and my partners are still continuing Instock. Soon we will celebrate our 10th anniversary!

Starting my own business felt like a natural continuation. I still wanted to be an entrepreneur, but in the 'light' version, so to speak. No longer with the enormous responsibility for so many people and high fixed costs. And especially, doing what truly makes me happy. Honestly, I never expected to do this work, and I still don't see myself as a coach, but it comes closest to what I do. I am essentially a space holder. I offer space for others' processes by helping people feel the connection with their bodies, giving them context to see and understand their thoughts and emotions, and bringing the unconscious to the conscious.

What type of clients can come to you? Why specifically these?

People who want to live fully and leave something beautiful in the world but often overlook themselves in the process. This was how I used to live. Wanting to contribute and make an impact but often at the expense of myself or loved ones. True impact happens when we live from our hearts. Life becomes truly magical when you see what you can bring into the world with love.

What tip would you give to other coaches and therapists who want to start their own practice?

It's a bit of a cliché, but just start (small)! It doesn't have to be perfect right away. You learn by doing. A nice quote to keep in mind: "Walking the bridge while building it."

Freke van Nimwegen
Member at Stories Wagenweg

Freke's approach is diverse, incorporating things like breathwork, body-oriented work, and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT). Her personal experiences, from navigating the corporate world to co-founding a social enterprise have profoundly shaped her path. Now based in Haarlem with her family, Freke continues to expand her offerings.

Find Freke’s Instagram here. Also want to join the Stories Member Spotlight? Send an e-mail.

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