The insightful journey of Neel van Lierop, visionary force behind Inner Compass Cards.

Neel van Lierop, the visionary force behind Inner Compass cards, is a passionate guide to self-discovery and growth. With her profound knowledge of personal development and her unique creation, the Inner Compass cards, Neel has helped individuals worldwide to find their inner compass and illuminate their life path.

As a pioneer in the field of self-development, Neel combines her expertise with a deep dedication to guiding others on their journey of self-discovery. Her Inner Compass cards are a powerful tool for introspection and reflection, enabling people to unlock their inner wisdom and find the answers they seek.

Neel, how did you come up with the Inner Compass Cards and how do you help others?

The inspiration and guidance of others is the result of launching Inner Compass cards and decades-long passion for self-development. I mainly guide people during single sessions, providing tools for them to continue the integration themselves. I assist in accepting where you are now, to then create more balance from that calmness and initiate the desired healing or change. For emotional and business issues, I enjoy working with constellations and the subconscious. For physical complaints, I turn to Germanic Medicine.

What is your specialty?

Most people who come to me for a 1-1 feel stuck or lack in at least one area of their life. In other words: a shortage, which (temporarily) ‘numbs’ you, and thus keeps you in a vicious circle of chaos and uncertainty. Of course you can’t make a choice, you have no overview. I guide people in just 1 (!) private session, because breakthroughs are my specialty. I help people create space and clarity so they can see for themselves what they really want. Essentially, you learn to know yourself a little better, so you can live closer to yourself. Because that’s what you should be aiming for. Why? It gives you energy, interesting jobs, great + healthy relationships, confidence, passion and resilience.

In what ways do you integrate self-care into your role as a care professional?

I have organized my life in such a way that it suits me and keeps me balanced; plenty of space, as much as possible in line with the rhythm of nature, and avoiding unnecessary stress (except for unforeseen emotional setbacks).

“Time flies, time dissapears, time that doesn’t come back to us.”

You come across inspiring things online, but also a lot of insecure-making junk. And when you add it all up, after a day of too much scrolling, I really end up in the negative. Because let’s face it, there’s nothing more beautiful than forgetting time in an offline life. You have to be incredibly strong not to become a zombie of this era. But it’s possible! And it’s never too late. At the end of the day, what you mostly need is connection and passion. What helps me now is to turn on airplane mode even during the day. You do get your original life back: connected, with a slightly better focus, and you experience much more.

What is the most important lesson you have learned as an entrepreneur?

You're never truly finished or fully arrived in your journey. However, by consistently putting in your best effort and remaining in motion, you'll find yourself continuously evolving and progressing. It's not about reaching a final destination, but rather about embracing the journey itself, knowing that with each step forward, you're exactly where you need to be.

What are your dreams for the future?

Finding a deeper connection with nature on a spacious, untouched piece of land, in a climate that's healthier and further away from pollution and harmful radiation.

Your intuitive strength and approach are inspiring! Do you have any tips for living more from intuition, instead of being bound by beliefs or expectations of others?

Listen to your body and get to know yourself; you'll naturally uncover your talents and purpose. You'll find that your intuition is already on point within that space.

Neel van Lierop
Member at Stories Sarphatistraat

With a warm and empathetic approach, Neel inspires others to embrace their inner strength and realize their full potential. Her vision and insights have inspired and helped thousands of people around the world to achieve a deeper understanding of themselves and their life goals.

Find Neel’s Instagram here. Also want to join the Stories Member Spotlight? Send an e-mail.

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